Synopsis Chika Takami, a self-proclaimed normal daughter, has never been involved in any clubs too lacked whatsoever notable talents. However, later a see to Tokyo, she discovers a stage where fifty-fifty an ordinary daughter similar her could polish—the world of schoolhouse idols. Inspired past the sometime superstar schoolhouse idol grouping μ’sec, Chika is determined to showtime her own school idol lodge inward her seaside hometown at Uranohoshi Girl’sec High School. But even earlier gathering whatsoever students to join the group, the aspiring school idol finds her greatest obstacle to live educatee council president Dia Kurosawa who stands firmly against the creation of the guild. Just when it seems in that location is no hope, Chika meets Riko Sakurauchi, a transfer pupil from Otonokizaka High School, dwelling of μ’s. Somewhat shy but a talented pianoforte role player, Chika believes her to live a promising recruit, though convincing her to join is easier said than done. In spite...